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Billing Address Card Type

The Billing Address card type is intended to be used along with the Credit Card Payment Card Type to capture both a constituent's billing address and credit card information for more secure and cost effective card verification in the payment gateway.

To use the billing address when verifying credit cards, you will need to activate the service in your payment gateway.

Also, when enabled, an error message displays if constituents did not enter their billing address or if the entered address is invalid. Learn more (external).

The Billing Address card type does not display by default, but displays when constituents select Pay Now - Credit Card on a Cart Payment Method Selection Card Type on the page. If the Billing Address is present on the constituents account, the fields on the Billing Address card type are prepopulated with their billing address, which they can edit as they see fit.

If there is a Shipping Card Type on the page, and a shippable product in the cart, Same As Shipping displays, which constituent's can click to copy the shipping address entered into the Shipping card type to use as their billing address.

We recommend you place the aforementioned card types in the following order on your page:

  1. Shipping Card Type
  2. Cart Payment Method Selection Card Type
  3. Billing Address Card Type
  4. Credit Card Payment Card Type

Card Type Information

Display NameBilling Address
Card Component ConstructorBillingAddressComponentConstructor
Controller NameBillingAddressComponentController
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