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Change a Page Heading or Description

 There a few different ways an administrator can change the heading or description of a page depending upon what type of page it is, and whether it's standard or custom.
  1. In the App Menu, select Community Hub Setup.

  2. In the tab bar, click Pages.
  3. In Page to configure:, select the page you want to customize.
  4. Note the type of page you are working with:
    If Heading Label or Description Label are populated, this is a basic page.

    Updating a Basic Page...
    1. In Heading Label, begin typing the Custom Label you'd like to use for the page heading and select it from the list of results or click New to create a new one.

    2. In Description Label, begin typing the Custom Label you'd like to use for the page description and select it from the list of results or click New to create a new one.

    3. Click Save.

    If Heading Label or Description Label are not populated, this is an advanced page.

    Updating an Advanced Page...
    1. From Setup, enter Custom Labels in the Quick Find box, then select Custom Labels.

    2. Locate the custom label used for the heading or description of the page.
      If there is an option to Edit the Custom Label you want to customize:

      Edit the Label...
      1. Click Edit next to the Custom Label you want to customize.
      2. In Value, enter the text you'd like to be shown as the page heading or description.
      3. Click Save.

      If there is not an option to Edit the Custom Label you want to customize:

      Edit the Label Translation...
      1. Ensure Translation Workbench is Enabled (If translation has already been enabled with a language, skip this step)

        Enable Translation Workbench...
        1. From Setup, enter Translation Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Translation Settings.
        2. On the welcome page, click Enable.
        3. Click Add.
        4. Click Language, select English.
        5. Click Save.
      2. From Setup, enter Custom Labels in the Quick Find box, then select Custom Labels.
      3. Select the name of the Custom Label which is used as the page heading or description.
      4. In the Translations related list, click New.
      5. Click Language, select English.
      6. In Translation Text, enter the text you'd like to be shown as the page heading or description.
      7. Click Save.
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