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Create a Room

Staff can create a room to track room capacity, description, and contact information at a venue.

User Permissions Needed

Room Create & Modify All permission set.

  1. In the tab bar, click 
    App Launcher, or in Salesforce Classic, click 
    Nimble AMS, Staff View, Button, All Tabs.
  2. Click Room.
  3. Click New.
  4. In Room Name, enter the name of the room.
  5. If the room has a maximum number of occupants, in Capacity, enter the maximum number of occupants allowed.
  6. If you have additional information to add about the room, in Description, enter any additional information.
  7. If you have contact information for the room:
    1. In Contact Name, enter the person to contact that manages this room.
    2. In Contact Email, enter the email address for the contact that manages this room.
    3. In Contact Phone, enter the phone number for the contact that manages this room.
  8. Click Save.

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