You should only follow these instructions if you want to edit membership information. If you want to cancel or refund see the Order Management Process.
In the tab bar, click , or in Salesforce Classic, click .
Click Accounts.
Select a list view—like All Accounts—and click Go!
Click Edit next to the account with the membership you would like to edit.
In the Membership related list, click Edit next to the membership you would like to edit.
Make the desired changes
If the revenue for the membership is accounted using accrual, you may not edit Start Date or End Date.
To change the dates of the membership, you will need to cancel it through the Order Management Process and create a new one with new dates within the same order.
Click Save.
If using custom profiles, make sure you give them the Read and View All access to Product Frequency Links object. Editing memberships without these permissions might result in a error for staff users of custom profiles.
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