An administrator can edit a membership type as needed to control online visibility, make updates to the name, description, grace period, and re-instate period for the membership type.
In the tab bar, click App Launcher, or in Salesforce Classic, click Nimble AMS, Staff View, Button, All Tabs.
Click Membership Types.
Select a list view—like All Membership Types—and click Go!
Click Edit next to the membership type you want to modify.
In Membership Type Name, you can modify the name of the membership type. This displays to staff when selecting the membership type in the order process, and this name displays to constituents in Community Hub.
A change to the Membership Type Name immediately affects all membership records related to the record, additionally the Member Type field on the constituent's account record immediately reflects the change.
In Description, you can modify the phrase that describes the membership type. This displays to constituents in Community Hub.
In Status, you can select:
Inactive—to disable the purchase of memberships of this type in Staff View and Community Hub.
Active—to re-enable a previously inactive membership type for purchase in Staff View and Community Hub.
Current members with a recently updated inactive membership type, can retain their active membership status when association staff modifies the Grace Period settings.
Re-Instate Period membership type can also be edited to provide members with Renewal opportunity, after their membership and grace period lapse.
In Category, you can select:
Individual—if the membership type is only available for purchase by individuals, and not by companies.
Company—if the membership type is only available for purchase by companies. Because this selection includes company, if the Flowdown Manager Class rule is populated with a value the rule will be executed the next time a membership is purchased.
Both—if the membership type is available for purchase by both individuals and companies. Because this selection includes company, if the Flowdown Manager Class rule is populated with a value the rule will be executed the next time a membership is purchased.
In Renewal Type, you can select:
Anniversary—to change an annual type to anniversary, where membership begins on any calendar month based on membership purchase date.
Annual—to change an anniversary type to annual, where membership begins on the same month for all member terms.
Changes to Renewal Type only affect those members who join after the update is made, or those members who are billed after the update is made. No changes are made to existing accrual or cash-based bills generated for existing membership renewals.
In Term (Months), you can enter a number to reflect the new term length for memberships purchased after this change.
In Grace Period, you can enter the number of months or days to reflect the new grace period length appended to the normal membership term, allowing members to keep their active status and the opportunity to renew their dues without benefit disruption.
If you modify the Grace Period all members of this type will be immediately affected by this change; current membership term grace periods will increase or decrease based on the changed value. If the Renewal Type is Anniversary, this change may affect all membership terms differently.
For example: given Grace Period is 3 and two current memberships exist:
— One with a Member Thru of 9/30/2016 and therefore a Lapsed On date of 12/31/2016; — Another membership with a Member Thru of 7/31/2016, and therefore a Lapsed On date of 10/31/2016.
When the Grace Period value is increased by 1, then the new membership Lapsed On dates will be 1/31/2017 and 11/30/2016 respectively.
Grace Period Unit
Using Grace Period Unit field on the Membership Type you can define whether to enter the grace period in Months or Days. As an example, for monthly memberships, generally a grace period in days will be preferred. Edit the page layout to add this field to membership type record.
Membership extension period to make ‘Renew’ button available to Community Hub (CH): In Re-Instate Period, enter the number of months or days to reflect the new period length appended to the Grace Period, allowing constituents to 'Renew' their membership in Community Hub even though their previous membership has become inactive, and the grace period has lapsed. This gives constituents the opportunity to renew their dues but membership benefits will be disrupted during this period due to inactive status. For example, 2 adds additional 2 months to the end of a member's grace period; during this time the member does not retain their member benefits but will have the 'Renew' option, instead of 'Rejoin', in Community Hub. When the 2-month re-instate period ends, the constituent's membership is considered Lapsed and unable to renew their membership online but instead required to rejoin to become a member again.
Re-Instate Period & Unit
The fields Re-Instate Period andRe-Instate Unithas been added to the Membership Type. It gives you the flexibility to add value and extend Renew the option after the end of the member's grace period and define the value in terms ofMonths, for yearly memberships, orDays, for monthly memberships. Edit the page layout to add this field to the membership type record.
Do not save the Membership Type record by just selecting the value against Re-Instate Unit field and keeping theRe-Instate Period field blank. If you do something like this then the pages on your Community Hub will error out.
Renewal Cart Deletion Job
In addition to the Re-Instate option, a Renewal Cart Deletion Job has been introduced for membership renewal carts. This job is scheduled to periodically delete the existing renewal carts in the association’s environment, to avoid duplicate charges when a constituent rejoins after the membership period lapses and the re-instate period ends.Contact Supportto request a Job.
If you change the Renewal Type to Anniversary, in Start Date Control (Day), enter the day of the month that determines when the purchase membership will begin. For example: 15 sets the rule that a membership purchased on the 15th—or any day after—of any month will begin on the 1st of the following month; membership purchases made prior to the 15th of the month will begin on the 1st of the current month.
If you change the Renewal Type to Annual, in Annual Start Month, enter the calendar month as a number that is considered the first month for purchased memberships of this type. For example: 7 sets the annual start date for a purchased membership to begin in July of the current year.
In Accounting Method, you can select:
Cash—to change an accrual method of income recognition to the cash method, where income is recognized when invoices are paid for, not when they are generated using the Billing History feature.
Accrual—to change a cash-based method of income recognition to the accrual method, where income is recognized when invoices for renewals are generated using the accrual billing feature. Accrual dues is a feature that can be enabled in Nimble AMS.
Changes to Accounting Method will only affect those billings which are made after the update is made. No changes will be made to existing accrual or cash-based bills generated for existing membership renewals.
In Flowdown Manager Class, you can select:
None—to disable the standard membership information flow down for this membership type.
NU.StandardMembershipFlowdownManager2—to enable the standard membership information flow down for this membership type.
Changes to the Flowdown Manager Class will not automatically revert updates made by previously executed information flow down operations.
In Self Service Enabled you can select:
TRUE—to enable the membership type for purchase by constituents in Community Hub. Join or renew purchase options are dependent on the membership type product link configuration.
FALSE—to remove the membership type for purchase by constituents in Community Hub.
In Restrict Auto-Renewal Cancellation, select the checkbox if you do not want to give the constituent the option to cancel memberships of this type in Community Hub.
In Account Membership Field, you can select the API name of the Membership lookup field on the Account object that should be updated when a new membership is created.
In Account Join On Field, you can select the API name of the Join On date field on the Account object that should be updated when a new membership is created for the first time.
Changes to the Account Membership Field and Account Join On Field will not automatically migrate or update the existing value in either of the fields previously selected.
Click Save.
Membership Type in Internationalization
If you have enabled Salesforce multi-currency, Salesforce introduces the Currency field on all object layouts within your org.
Due to data sanity, you will not be allowed to edit the value of the Currency field.
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