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Enable Cash Billing

Administrators can configure cash billing to meet your association's needs.

  1. From Setup, enter Installed Packages in the Quick Find box, then select Installed Packages.
  2. Click Configure next to "Nimble AMS".
  3. Under Bulk Billing Settings, click New and enter the needed information:

    1. To set up cash billing for memberships:

      Billing TypeMembership
      Billing History Record TypeMembership
      Bulk Billing ClassNU.MembershipBulkBilling
      Billing Display ClassNU.MembershipBillingDisplay
      Lookup FieldNU__MembershipType__c
      Batch Size

      [If left blank, 200 cash bills to processed per batch] We recommend lowering this amount if you encounter Salesforce limitations.

    2. To set up cash billing for programs:

      Billing TypeProgram
      Billing History Record TypeProgram
      Bulk Billing ClassPROG.ProgramBulkBilling
      Billing Display ClassPROG.ProgramBillingDisplay
      Lookup FieldPROG__ProgramType__c
      Batch Size

      [If left blank, 200 cash bills to processed per batch] We recommend lowering this amount if you encounter Salesforce limitations.

  4. Click Save.
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