Staff can create registration products records that represent event sessions.
From an event record, on the Products related list, click New Product.
In Record Type of new record, select Registration.
In Product Name, enter the name of the session.
Optionally, in Description, enter an session description.
Optionally, in Short Name, enter a short name for the session, which can be handy when viewing reports. This field is required if your association uses Level 2 and Level 3 credit card processing.
In Display Order, enter a number to signify where in a containing session group this position should be placed. The lower the number, the higher the name is shown on the group card in Community Hub.
The number should be 0 - 999.
In Quantity Limit, enter 1 to indicate only the constituent may attend, or a value greater than 1 to indicate the constituent my attend plus a given number of guests.
If your association uses Level 2 and Level 3 credit card processing, in Commodity Code, select the commodity code used to classify the product.
If your association uses Level 2 and Level 3 credit card processing, Unit Of Measurement is populated. Check with your administrator to see if you need to select a different value.
Optionally, select the Registration Types that may register for the session.
Optionally, in Conflict Codes, enter a coma separated list of codes used on other sessions which cannot be registered for in conjunction with this one.
You can name conflict codes however you'd like, so we recommend that you keep them simple. Examples: Day1Morning or MainRegistrationOption.
In List Price, enter the cost of the session.
In Revenue GL Account, enter the general ledger account into which session transactions will be added.
Optionally, if your association defers event revenue, enter the Deferred Revenue Method you'd like to use for that deferral.
In Entity, enter the name of the entity that owns this product, click Nimble AMS, Staff View, Button, Lookup, select the entity.
Optionally, if your session has limited seats available, select Track Inventory and enter the number of seats in Inventory.
We recommend that you set this field a few seats under your maximum session capacity to allow for unplanned additions.
If the session is set up to allow guests, Community Hub does not currently enforce this value as the maximum number a constituent can choose. Instead, if Inventory On Hand on a session is 1 or more, constituents can choose to register for the session and bring as many guests to the session as they want, regardless of the remaining seats.
Optionally, if you'd like the session to be shown in Community Hub, select Self Service Enabled.
Optionally, if you'd like constituents to be able to register for the session without immediate payment, select Bill Me Enabled.
Optionally, if your event is an in-person event and your association is charging a tax on the session, select Taxable.
Optionally, in Currency, select the right currency value.
Event Sessions in Internationalization
If you have enabled Salesforce multi-currency, Salesforce introduces the Currency field on all object layouts within your org.
While creating a new Registration Product record make sure to select the Currency field value that matches the Currency field value on the linked Event and Entity record. If the Currency field value of all these 3 records does not match, it throws an error.
Also, once the record is saved, you will not be allowed to edit the value of the Currency field.
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