We recommend the total number of MTPLs configured across all membership types not exceed 3,000. If you encounter load view state error when attempting to select membership types then reduce the total number of MTPLs.
Staff can link a membership type to membership and donation products so that different membership options and donation options are provided in the order process. Staff can set whether a linked product is shown in Community Hub join or renewal.
In the tab bar, click App Launcher, or in Salesforce Classic, click Nimble AMS, Staff View, Button, All Tabs.
Search forMembership Typesand click on it.
Click on the Membership Type to which you wish to link the product.
The Membership Types record page opens.
Click on the Membership Type Product Links from the Related List Quick Links section.
Click on the New button.
The New Membership Type Product Link window opens.
Enter Information:
Membership Type: The membership type for this product will be auto-populated.
Product: Enter the name of the product you'd like to link to the membership type, click , and select the product from the lookup results.
Stage: Select whether this product should be displayed when joining as a member, renewing a membership, or in either case. If left blank, the membership product is shown during both stages.
Purpose: Select whether the product is the primary product to be purchased for the membership type, whether the product is a required part of the membership, or whether the product is optional. If you are linking to a donation product, select Donation.
You must select an option if Purpose is Primary/Required/ Optional/ Donation.
A linked donation product behaves like an optional product, but the price is editable in the order process so the gift amount can be changed.
Exclude from Billing : If it is checked then the Cash Bulk Billing process skips the optional membership product to be added automatically to the Membership Renewal Cart.
Exclude from Billing functionality only works for theOptionalMTPL membershipproducts.
Status: You can choose Activeor Inactive. This determines the MTPL's status as either Active or Inactive. For it to display online, it must be set to Active.
Category: You can choose Individual or Company.
Display Order: Enter a number to signify where in the list of linked products this linked product should be displayed. The lower the number, the higher the product is shown on the list.
The number should be 0 - 999.
Consider spacing out your numbers to accommodate future changes in products.
To enable Collapsible Membership Item Display, select Grouping Eligible checkbox on Membership Type Product Link page.
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Enter term information:
Optionally, in Term Override (Months), enter the membership term duration in months. This term overrides the membership type Term (Months) so you can create and link products that represent multi-year membership options.
Enter accounting information:
Optionally, in Price Override, enter the list price to be displayed for the linked product during join or renewal. This price overrides the product List Price so you can offer a different price within membership join or renewal than you would when selling the product individually or within another membership type.
Optionally, in Proration Rule, enter the name of the proration rule used to determine the prorated cost of the membership, click , and select the proration rule from the lookup results.
Proration is only applicable when creating a link between a membership product and a membership type where Renewal Type is Annual.
Select Community Hub settings:
Optionally, if you'd like the donation to be shown in the Community Hub, select Self Service Enabled.
Optionally, if people should be able to purchase more than one of the products you're linking, select Is Quantity Editable. This is useful if you have a Primary product representing membership that is applied to one or more individuals or companies, and the product represents additional memberships that can be purchased for additional individuals or companies.
Optionally, in Currency, select the right currency value.
If you have enabled Salesforce multi-currency, Salesforce introduces the Currency field on all object layouts within your org.
While creating a new Membership Type Product Links record make sure to select the Currency field value that matches the Currency field value on the linked Membership Type and Product record. If the Currency field value of all these 3 records does not match, it throws an error.
Also, once the record is saved, you will not be allowed to edit the value of the Currency field.
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Click Save.
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