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In Nimble AMS, you use products to represent the goods or services your association offers to your constituents. Your products are set up using product types which define what attributes the products have. For example, an event session product has a start and end date, but a merchandise product does not. Your products are purchased by your constituent using orders.

Product Configuration

Nimble AMS supports several base product types that have specific attributes that make them distinct. Even though they are unique, they are configurable in similar ways.

Product Management

After completing the configuration of your Products, you have multiple options available to expand out the usability and accessibility to your constituents through Community Hub.

Ordering Products

Products are purchased using the order process in Staff View and staff can enable products to be purchased in Community Hub. Staff can set the display order of products to control the order in which they are displayed to staff and constituents and can deactivate products that are no longer being offered or have been replaced. Disabling products removes them from the order process but allows you to continue to reference them in your analytics.

Historical Records

When orders are submitted, historical records are created for the product type and linked to the product and the account. Example: Virgil Watts submits an order with a registration product for the "Giving the Right Tasks to the Right People at the Right Time" webinar. A registration record is created and linked to the registration product record and Virgil's account record. You can leverage these records and connections to create analytics for product sales.

Product Types

Staff can use products to represent purchasable options and each product has a product type such as a(n):



Staff can manage your constituents' subscriptions with your association, for specific publications, and individual issues.

Event Session

Staff can create registration products records that represent event sessions.

Guest Registration

Staff can set up events of any size, from webinars to large, week-long conferences. Your event can be as simple or as advanced as you need, and your constituents can register and modify their registration in Community Hub; so staff focus on planning a great event.

Cancellation Fee

When setting up an event, staff can create one or more fees to be charged in the case of a cancellation. Once set up, cancellation fees are charged automatically in Community Hub and Self Service, and can be applied in Staff View as well. With cancellation fees, staff can focus on planning a great event and not on fee collection.



Staff can create a product to use as a stand alone donation option, or to be linked to a membership to be shown during membership join or renewal.


Nimble AMS Programs allow associations to track term-based education, accreditation, and certification programs. Program records are created in Nimble AMS through the order wizard, whether the program is cost-based or complimentary.


Coupons allow staff to create codes that can be used by Community Hub users to receive dollar amount or percentage-based discounts on eligible order items. The checkout page will show a Coupon card if there are active coupon codes for the primary entity and the current cart is over $0.


Staff can create miscellaneous products to record sales for products that cannot be categorized into another order item configuration. Common miscellaneous products are wire transfer fees or returned check fees.

Custom Product Types

In Nimble AMS, with development effort, you can also create custom product types to fit the unique needs of your association.

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