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Set Theme Colors

Administrators can set theme colors for backgrounds, cards, buttons, and many more on Community Hub from Community Hub Settings.

  1. In the tab bar, click 
    App Launcher. 
  2. Search and select Community Hub Settings. 
  3. Go to the Theme Settings custom setting.
  4. Click Edit next to Theme.
  5. In the required fields, enter the color values in the hex form.
  6. Click Save.

Ensure Theme Enabled is selected. 

Each field on Theme Settings is responsible for setting the theme color for a specific entity.

Here is the list of fields that need to be populated with color values and their respective functions.

Field NameFunctionAdditional Information
Card Background ColorIt sets the background color to display on the cards. 
Card ColorIt sets the foreground color to display on the cards. 
Card Heading ColorIt sets the color of all the card headings. 
Default Active Button Background Color

It sets the default background color of the active buttons. 

It includes pagination and filter buttons but not the primary and secondary buttons. 

Default Active Button Foreground Color

It sets the default foreground color of the active buttons. 

Default Button Background ColorIt sets the default background color of the buttons. 
Default Button Foreground ColorIt sets the default foreground color of the buttons. 
Disabled Button Background ColorIt sets the background color of the disabled buttons. 
Disabled Button ColorIt sets the foreground color of the disabled buttons. 
Footer Background ColorIt sets the background color of the footer. 
Footer ColorIt sets the foreground color of the footer. 
Header Background ColorIt sets the background color of the header. 
Header ColorIt sets the foreground color of the header. 
Link ColorIt sets the foreground color of the links.
Link Hover ColorIt sets the foreground color of the links when hovered. 
Off Canvas Background Color

It sets the background color of all the off-canvas items. 

It is only seen on phone-sized mobile devices. 

Off Canvas ColorIt sets the foreground color of all the off-canvas items. 
Off Canvas Nav Separator ColorIt sets the background color of the visual separator between the off-canvas navigational items. 
Page Heading Background ColorIt sets the background color of the page heading section. 
Page Heading ColorIt sets the foreground color of the page heading section. 
Primary Background ColorIt sets the background color of the page. 
Primary Button Background ColorIt sets the background color of the primary buttons.
Primary Button ColorIt sets the foreground color of the primary buttons.
Primary Text ColorIt sets the foreground color of the text on the page. 
Secondary Button Background ColorIt sets the background color of the secondary buttons.
Secondary Button ColorIt sets the foreground color of the secondary buttons.
Zebra Stripe Background ColorIt sets the background color of alternate row zebra stripes.

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