Use Query Builder to edit the SOQL SELECT statement of an existing query.
User Permissions Needed
Query Builder Admin permission set.
In the tab bar, click App Launcher, or in Salesforce Classic, click Nimble AMS, Staff View, Button, All Tabs.
Click Queries.
Select a list view—like All Queries.
Click next to the query you want to modify and click Edit.
Make the desired changes.
If you remove a field from the query, a message displays letting you know it may be used by something in Salesforce. Removing a field from the query does not necessarily mean you are going to break anything, it is just a reminder to be sure.
Preview the results.
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Once you have modified your query, you can preview the results to make sure it returns the data you want. The preview displays a limited number of records. Use the query within Salesforce to see all results.
Click Preview.
Copy the query or click Save to update a query record to use with an AppExchange app like Nimble AMS or a customization.
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