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Using Events in Community Hub

Community Hub provides users the ability to view all upcoming events and learn more about each one. When registering for an event, the name of the event and the steps within the registration process are always shown to help users see their progress and navigate in between steps. Each step can be shown or not shown to users, depending on how staff have set up the Event in Staff View.

Depending on how the Event is set up, users can register themselves or a colleague affiliated with their company. They can select sessions, guests, and answer any event related questions. Users can see their registration(s) on Checkout, and can modify them or remove them entirely.

Once registrations have been submitted, Community Hub users can see them on the My Registrations page. For each registration users can see if a registration is for an upcoming event or for one in the past, when the event is/was scheduled, and for whom the registration was placed. Users can also view the details on the registration to review the sessions that were chosen as well as to review the Order Summary for the order in which the registration was placed.

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