Administrators can configure accrual billing to meet your association's needs, after minimal initial setup from our implementation team, who will work together with your organization to ensure this feature meets your needs. Using the Accrual Dues method over the Cash Billing method, the accounting impact of an order happens when your organization generates the membership renewals rather than recognition only occurring when the membership join or renewal is actually paid. At the actual time of billing, the membership income will be recognized, along with AR and later, when the payment is received, the payment is applied against the outstanding AR balance.
If you are interested in moving from Cash Billing to Accrual Dues post-implementation, this feature will first need to be added to your organization by Nimble AMS Support.
Running Accrual Dues
In the tab bar, click , or in Salesforce Classic, click Nimble AMS, Staff View, Button, All Tabs.
Navigate to the Accrual Dues tab.
Click New.
Select the Membership Type.
Set the Current Membership End Date and New Membership Start Date to their respective dates.
Set the Invoice Date and Transaction Date.
View the Billing Preview.
If no Memberships will be created by running Accrual Dues using the criteria provided, a pop-up message will appear and the Accrual Dues process will not run.
Click Run Billing.
Memberships created through the Accrual Dues process are created within Orders - not carts - so they can not be deleted if a Member does not renew and will instead need to be cancelled.
Visual Example [Salesforce Classic]
Visual Example [Lightning Experience]
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