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Business Rules

When customizing Nimble AMS to fit your business process, admins can use a business rule configured through point-and-click to control the behavior of a technical process based on a True or False result or customize business rules to suit your Organization through a developer. In the Business Rules tab, admins can set what evaluations are made to determine how the business rule resolves.


To properly use Business rules you must first satisfy the following Salesforce pre-requisites:

Understanding Business Rules

A business rule is a controllable point within Nimble AMS that defines or constrains some aspect of a technical process with your business process. Business rules are made up of one or more evaluations you can configure to ensure your business process is followed. A great application of business rules is within the access controls you use to personalize Community Hub. 

When checking the business rule, each evaluation is made in the specified order, and if all resolve to True, the business rule resolves to True. If even one evaluation resolves to False, the business rule resolves to False. In other words, it uses AND logic between each evaluation. Also, only active evaluations are made; disabled evaluations are ignored when checking the business rule.

Standard Feature Business Rules

  • Allow Cart or Order Scheduled Payments
  • Allow Community Installment Payments
  • Allow Community Scheduled Payments
  • Allow Order Item Cancellation
  • Allow Order Item Edit
  • Allow Overpayments
  • Allow Payment Delete
  • Allow Payment Edit
  • Allow Payment Refund
  • Allow Payment Void
  • Allow Save As Pro Forma Always
  • Allow Schedule Line Create
  • Allow Scheduled Payments
  • Allow Self Service Disabled for Express
  • Allow User Scheduled Payment
  • Allow logged in Point of Sale

Making Evaluations

Use one or more evaluation within a business rule to check a condition to see if the evaluation resolves to True or False.

Included Evaluations

By default, you can perform the following types of evaluations:

FalseEvaluatorAlways resolves to False.
PermissionSetEvaluatorResolves to True if the current user has a given permission set.
TrueEvaluatorAlways resolves to True.


Please note that the evaluators are executed in order and the final evaluator delivers the final response based on the previous evaluators response. The one exception is if the final evaluation is set to True/False that will override previous evaluations.


  • To allow only staff within the Billing department to use recurring payments, you could create an evaluation named Billing Staff Only which resolves to True if the current user has the Billing Department permission set.
  • To allow all staff to use installment payments, you could create an evaluation named All Staff which always resolves to True.

Custom Evaluations

Your association may have unique evaluations you would like to make, which can be created with development effort. Once a new type of evaluation is developed, an admin can use and configure that evaluation through point-and-click.

For example, to allow only staff who meet certain criteria to use recurring payments, you could create an evaluation type named Staff By Query which resolves to True only if a specified query returns True.

This is just one example of a custom evaluation type you could create; almost any scenario can be accommodated with development effort. Given below are the various custom evaluations we have:

AccountEvaluatorResolves to True if the specified checkbox field on the account record is selected.
UserEvaluatorResolves to True if the specified checkbox field (for now it's Enable Point of Sale) on the user record is selected.
ControlledEvaluatorReturns whatever is passed into it through code.

Customizing Business Rules

You can access the business rules in your org using the Business Rules tab in Lightning Experience. When using the Business Rules tab, you can select a business rule, review the evaluations made as part of the business rule, edit each evaluation, and add new evaluations. To add a new evaluation, see Create a Custom Evaluation.

If you edit an evaluation, be sure to also update the description to help others understand the new behavior.

Things to Keep in Mind

  • To use business rules, your org must be set up to use My Domain.
  • This feature uses Custom Metadata types, which Nimble AMS Support can enable in your org.

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