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Change Password Card Type

The Password Reset card type gives Community Hub users a way to reset their password. The card type contains different fields depending on the scenario:

Users Have a Password They are Changing

The card type shows a field for entering user's current password, a field for entering their new password, and a field for retyping their new password, as well as the password strength meter to help users choose a secure password. 

Users Don't Have a Password

In the case where users have forgotten their password or created their account using social sign-on, and thus, have no password, the card type shows a field for entering user's new password, and a field for retyping their new password, as well as the password strength meter to help users choose a secure password.


The card type contains a button to submit the password change. If users did not have a password previously, the Account Does not Have a Password field on the Account record is deselected when the password change is submitted.

Card Type Information

Change Password
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