In Nimble AMS, staff use Committee Memberships to view and track committee participation. Think of committee memberships as the connection between individual accounts and your committees. With Committee Memberships, staff can view:
The members of a committee
Committee membership details like the account, the committee, and their position
Term information for the committee membership
Different committee memberships on a roster
The committee memberships on an account
Create a Committee Membership
From a committee record, in the Committee Memberships related list, click New Committee Membership.
In Account, enter the name of the individual you'd like to add as a committee member, click , and select the account from the lookup results.
Optionally, in Position, enter the position the individual will fill on the committee, click , and select the position from the lookup results.
Optionally, set the membership term dates with Start Date and End Date.
Click Save.
Edit a Committee Membership and Its Term
Committee Membership
From a committee record, in the Committee Memberships related list, click Edit next to the committee membership.
Make desired changes.
Account cannot be changed.
Click Save.
Committee Membership Term
From a committee record, in the Committee Memberships related list, click Edit next to the committee membership.
Update Start Date and/or End Date.
Click Save.
Clone a Committee Membership
On a committee membership record, click Clone.
Make desired changes.
Click Save.
Delete a Committee Membership
In general, you should not delete the history of your constituents, including any committee membership records. If an individual on a committee ends their service early, we recommend editing the committee membership's End Date to match the individual's last day of committee service. This preserves the history of the individual's service and removes them from any views or reports that show current committee members. Deleting a committee membership record is appropriate if the record was created in error, such as adding it to the wrong individual's account.
From a committee record, in the Committee Memberships related list, click Del next to the committee membership.
On the dialog box, click OK.
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