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Create A Special Price

Staff can create special prices for products so constituents can pay different prices based on their account attributes. For example, a member may pay a lower price than a non-member for an event registration.

  1. In the tab bar, click 
    App Launcher, or in Salesforce Classic, click 
    Nimble AMS, Staff View, Button, All Tabs.
  2. Click Products.
  3. Select a list view—like All Merchandise Products—and click Go!
  4. Click the Product Name to which you want to add a special price.
  5. Scroll to the related list section until you find Special Prices.
  6. Click New Special Price.
  7. Optionally, in Currency, select the right currency value.


    If you have enabled Salesforce multi-currency, Salesforce introduces the Currency field on all object layouts within your org.

    While creating a New Special Price record make sure to select the Currency field value that matches the Currency field value on the linked Product record. If the Currency field value of Special Price and Product does not match, then it throws an error.

    Also, once the record is saved, you will not be allowed to edit the value of the Currency field.

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  8. In Default Price, enter the default price an account who qualifies for the special price should receive.
  9. In Early Price, enter the early price an account who qualifies for the special price should receive. This price only applies to products that are tied to a registration product and the event has an early price cut-off date. It is ignored for all other types of products.
  10. In Late Price, enter the late price an account who qualifies for the special price should receive. This price only applies to account that are tied to an event and the event exceeds the regular cut-off date. It is ignored for all other types of products.

    Setting the Early Registration Cut Off Date or Regular Registration Cut Off Date on an event is limited to registration products only. An account will not receive the early or late price of a product's special price if it is anything other than a registration product.

  11. In Price Classes, select one or more price classes and click  
  12. In Product, you do not need to change the product.
  13. Click Save.
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