Administrators can create outbound integration settings so developers can query records from Nimble AMS.
Create Outbound Integration Setting
In the tab bar, click App Launcher, or in Salesforce Classic, click Nimble AMS, Staff View, Button, All Tabs.
Click Integration Settings.
Click New.
In Record Type, select Outbound Data.
In Name, enter the name the developer will use to identify the integration to execute.
In Description, enter a description you can reference to understand the purpose of the integration setting.
In Authentication Key, enter a secure authentication key.
We recommend using a unique 256-bit WEP authentication key for each integration setting. You can generate a random key, using a random key generator such as Random Key Generator (external).
In Query, enter the SOQL query to execute.
If you want to parameterize the query, put parameters within << and >> so the developer can pass in parameters at run time.
Here is an example of a query which selects products with a given event code. When executed, the web service expects a parameter named “event_code” with a value.
SELECT Id, Name, NU__Status__c FROM NU__Product__c WHERE Event_Code__c = '<<event_code>>'
In Sharing Mode, select:
With Sharing—Query executes based on the executing user's security permissions
Without Sharing—Query executes without regard for the executing user's security permissions
If you need to query records using complex logic, in Class, enter the name of the Apex class that implements the IIntegrationOutboundDataProvider interface.
If more complex logic is needed than is possible within a single SOQL query, an Apex class can be created to do the more complex query logic. Creating an Apex class requires development effort.
Status is populated.
If you want to record log detail for the integration setting, in Logging Level, select the log detail level. More information about the level of detail stored can be found on the Understanding Logging Level page.
Click Save.
Preview Outbound Integration Setting
Administrators can preview an outbound integration setting and change the Query as needed. This is useful to ensure the Query is returning the expected results before sharing the integration with the external app.
In the tab bar, click App Launcher, or in Salesforce Classic, click Nimble AMS, Staff View, Button, All Tabs.
Click Integration Settings.
Select a list view—like All Outbound Integrations—and click Go!
Click the name of the integration setting you want to preview.
Click Preview.
The JSON result that is passed back through the Nimble Fuse API displays.
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