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Member Portal Community Hub (Built on Experience Cloud)

Experience Cloud Community Hub is the constituent-facing portal to Nimble AMS built on the Salesforce Experience Cloud technology. It provides a modern and intuitive self-service capability for association members as they navigate through the online portal. Constituents can browse through the association store, purchase a variety of products, donate to a specific cause, view and pay for an event, join and renew their membership, and much more.

In addition to the amazing workflows already available to the members, there are new purpose-built Lightning Web Components (LWC) available which can be added to any page within the association’s experience builder site to enhance the member experience and create additional revenue opportunities. For example, using the LWCs available specifically for Events and Donations, bring additional awareness to an event or a specific donation campaign by promoting them on your instance of Nimble Communities.

Through the Experience builder theme functionality, the LWCs can be easily configured to use Association color and branding.

Figure 1: Member Portal (Built on Experience Cloud) Site


  1. Modern and intuitive self-service portal: Member Portal provides a modern self-service platform for association members to perform key functions without having to call customer service.

  2. Increased constituent independence: Associations can save time and money due to reduced customer service costs and association staff dependence because constituents can now fulfill more of their needs through the member portal.

  3. Increase member engagement: Associations can build additional workflows for member engagement through drag-and-drop LWCs that are easy to configure and work with any page within the experience builder.

  4. Personalized branding: The LWCs are easily configured to use association brand colors through point-and-click functionality within Experience Builder.

Get Started Today

Request to be enrolled in a pilot through the "Enroll in a Pilot" section on our NimbleLand Pilots page. Select the Experience Cloud Member Portal option from the Features drop-down.

Experience Cloud Community Hub Hybrid Model

Lightning Web Components Library

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