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LWC - Product Details

Product Details

The Product Details Lightning Web Component (LWC) is what a product in the Product Grid links to. It displays relevant information to the selected product, and allows the user to select specific options and quantities. It can also display messages about current stock levels, such as "Low Stock", or "Out of Stock"

Configuration Options

Learn more about Experience Builder here.

From the components list, select the Product Details component and drag it onto the site page. 

On the page, click within the Product Details component to bring up the Property editor.

Figure 1. Product Details LWC with configuration properties

Record ID

This tells the LWC the specific product details to show. Use a Salesforce record ID or leave blank to use URL parameter.

Figure 1 shows the specific Salesforce record ID.

Login URLThe absolute or relative url that redirects user to login page, where they can enter their Community Hub login credentials.
Checkout URLThe absolute or relative url that redirects user to the checkout page.
Unavailable LabelWhat the label will show when a product is unavailable
Out of Stock LabelWhat the label will show when a product is out of stock
Inventory Warning Threshold

The threshold to start showing the inventory threshold warning label.

Inventory can be tracked on the product record in Nimble AMS.

Inventory Warning LabelThe label to show when a product is at or under the inventory warning threshold


Figure 2. Out of Stock Label on Product Details page in Experience Cloud Community Hub

Use other LWCs from the Component list to create an impactful page for your constituents. For eg. use the ‘Rich Content Editor’ to add supporting information about the page. For detailed steps on how to access and use Experience Builder, visit Experience Builder Overview (
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