With proration rules, you can set up membership types with an annual membership year for your association. That way, when someone joins later in the year, they're only charged for a partial term. Or, if someone joins very late in the year, you can charge them for a portion of the current year, and all of the following year.
How Do They Work?
When setting up a membership type, you can relate it to a proration rule, which describes how proration is handled for the membership type, and dictates the number of term months and type of rounding used.
A proration rule is typically related to one or more proration rule items—one for each month in the term—which define the proration percentage to be applied for that month. For example, the proration percentage might be 100% of the amount of membership dues for January, February, and March, only 75% for April, May, and June, and so on. Use proration rule items to set the percentage for each month in the term.
You can also set proration rule items to charge more than 100% so they pay for the remainder of the current term as well as the full amount for the next term. For example, the proration percentage for the months of October, November, or December might be 125% of the amount of membership dues, which covers the remaining 25% of the current term as well as the full cost for a membership for the following year.
Create a Proration Rule
In the tab bar, click App Launcher, or in Salesforce Classic, click Nimble AMS, Staff View, Button, All Tabs.
Click Proration Rules.
Click New.
Create a Proration Rule Item
From a proration rule, in the Proration Rule Items related list, click New.
When creating Proration Rule Items, the best practice is to create one for each month of a Membership Term to ensure that, if terms change in the future, the proper proration is still being applied.
Things to Keep in Mind
Proration is only applicable for membership types where Renewal Type is Annual.
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