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Set the Recognize Deferred Revenue Scheduled Job

For associations using deferred revenue, administrators can set the scheduled job for recognizing deferred revenue. The job runs nightly at 1:00 a.m.

  1. From Setup, enter Installed Packages in the  Quick Find  box, then select Installed Packages.
  2. Click Configure next to Nimble AMS.
  3. Under Scheduled Jobs, select Enable next to Recognize Deferred Revenue.
  4. Click Apply.

Configure batch size for Recognize Deferred Revenue Scheduled Job

The administrator can configure the batch size to Recognize Deferred Revenue of Nightly Scheduled Jobs.

  1. From Setup, enter Installed Packages in the  Quick Find box, then select Installed Packages.
  2. Click Configure next to Nimble AMS.
  3. In the Extensibility Settings section, Enter the batch size number in the Deferred Revenue Recognizer Batch Size field.


    The default batch size is 200, but the admin has the option to adjust the batch size to ensure the successful completion of the job.

  4. Click Save.

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