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Change the Display Order of a Product

Staff can change the order in which a product shows in the order process so they can make it more or less prominent.

The Display Order for Products will only be reflected in Community Hub - in Staff View this will remain in alphabetical order.

Setting The Store Home & Search Display Order

  1. From a product, click Edit.
  2. In Display Order, enter a number to signify where in the list of products this product should be displayed. The lower the number, the higher the product is shown on the list.

  3. Click Save.

Setting The Product Category Display Order

  1. From a product, navigate to the "Categories" related list
  2. Edit or Create a Product Category Link
  3. In Display Order, enter a number to signify where in the list of products this product should be displayed. The lower the number, the higher the product is shown on the list.

  4. Click Save.

The number should be 0 -  999.

Consider spacing out your numbers to accommodate future changes in products.


Product 1: 1, Product 2: 2, Product 3: 3, Product 4: 4


Product 1: 1, Product 2: 5, Product 3: 10, Product 4: 15

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