Staff can interpret the function of a deferred schedule by understanding its fields.
Deferred Schedule Detail Section
In the deferred schedule detail section, you can view the setup of the deferred schedule.
Deferred Schedule Id—Assigned automatically.
Deferred Revenue Method—The deferred revenue method that is tied to the deferred schedule.
Deferred Revenue GL Account—The GL account to which the deferred revenue is recorded before it is recognized.
Start Date—The first day the deferred revenue will start to be recognized.
Deferred Term—The number of times the deferred revenue will be recognized.
Status—Populated automatically.
Future—Assigned when Start Date is greater than today.
Current—Assigned when Start Date is less than or equal to today and balance is greater than 0.
Past—Assigned when Start Date is less than or equal to today and balance equals 0.
Recognized Revenue GL Account—The GL account to which the revenue is recorded when it is recognized.
Next Recognition Date—The next day the deferred revenue will be recognized.
Remaining Recognition Count—The remaining number of times the deferred revenue will be recognized.
External Transaction Date—The transaction date imported or manually entered from a third-party system.
If your data was within Nimble AMS before the Winter 19 Release; this field will likely remain blank or be unused.
If the deferred schedule was imported or manually added from a third-party system, there will most likely not be any transactions listed. Instead, External Transaction Date is populated with the transaction date from the third-party system and Nimble AMS uses this field to recognize the imported deferred schedule at the appropriate time.
Deferred Schedule in Internationalization
If you have enabled Salesforce multi-currency, Salesforce introduces theCurrencyfield on all object layouts within your org.
While a new Deferred Schedule record gets created, theCurrencyfield value on this record gets populated based on theCurrencyfield value of the Entity/Product/Deferred Revenue Method that these records were linked with.
Also, once the record is saved, you will not be allowed to edit the value of theCurrencyfield.
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Financial Detail Section
In the financial detail section, you can view the summary of the transactions that have been deferred.
Deferred Amount—The sum of all transactions within the deferred schedule.
Recognized Amount—The sum of recognized income as of today.
Deferred Balance—The remaining revenue that has not yet been recognized.
Recognition Health—Signals if adjustments will need to be made to the deferred schedule. The deferred schedule is considered healthy when Recognition Health is , and unhealthy when Recognition Health is . For example, if a new membership order has been entered today, and a portion of it should be recognized in the current month, the deferred schedule would be unhealthy until that portion is recognized. Adjustments to the deferred schedule are automatically applied through the nightly job. For example, if a new membership order has been entered today, and a portion of it should be recognized in the current month, the deferred schedule would be unhealthy until that portion is recognized.
Recognition Amount—The amount recognized for each term of the deferred schedule. This assumes the schedule recognizes an equal amount of deferred revenue per term.
Deferred Forecast Detail Section
In the deferred forecast detail section, you can see the projected revenue that will be recognized for each month.
Date—The date on which the revenue will be recognized.
Deferred Amount—The total value of revenue deferred within the deferred schedule.
Revenue Recognized—The revenue that will be recognized. If the date has already passed, this amount is already recognized.
Deferred Balance—The revenue that remains unrecognized.
Cumulative Revenue Recognized—The revenue that has been recognized up to this date.
Type — The column which contains Actual, Forecast and Forecast Catchup fields. If there isForecast Catchuprow then it will be highlighted. In terms of transactions, it provides the appropriate deferred revenue forecast.
Actual - It is for revenue that already recognized.
Forecast - It is for revenue that has not recognized.
Forecast catchup - It is for revenue that is not yet recognized, but should be recognized. This row is added when:
The price of any order is increased or a new item has been added to the order or order has been edited from the partially recognized deferred schedule.
The price of any order is decreased or an order has been cancelled from a partially recognized deferred schedule.
Deferred Revenue Transactions Section
In the deferred revenue transactions section, you can see the original transactions and recognized transactions within the deferred schedule.
Initial Transactions: A list of all original transactions before being recognized as revenue.
Recognized Transactions: A list of all transactions that have recorded the deferred revenue as recognized revenue.
View Transactions Report: The Deferred Revenue Transactions section provides a comprehensive list of transactions for more accurate income projections. (More) We have added a convenient "View Transactions Reports" button on the Deferred Schedule record page. When you click the button, it will take you to a detailed list of Deferred Transactions report, allowing you to access the information you need more efficiently. In case you cannot find the "View Transaction Report" button on the Deferred Schedule record, edit the page and add the 'displayDeferredRevenueTransactions' LWC component on the page.
To add the "View Transaction Report" button on the Deferred Schedule record page:
Show Me How Its Done
In the tab bar, click App Launcher, or in Salesforce Classic, click Nimble AMS, Staff View, Button, All Tabs.
Search for the Deferred Schedules and click on it.
Click on the Deferred Schedule ID, then the Deferred Schedule record page will open.
Click on Setup (gear icon) from the top-right of the page.
Click Edit Page.
Within the Lightning App Builder page, navigate to the Custom LWC components section in the left side panel.
Drag and drop the displayDeferredRevenueTransactions LWC at the bottom of the Deferred Revenue Transactions section.
Click Save.
Expected Result
At the bottom of the Deferred Revenue Transactions section, the user has the option to access the "View Transactions Report."
When you turn ONSalesforce Multicurrencyfield, thenCurrency (Currency ISO Code)field gets added on existing Products and existing Entities record page, so make sure that it should display the value same as per theCurrency (Currency ISO Code) field of linked entity. IfCurrency (Currency ISO Code) field value of Products and linked entities is doesn't match, then it throws an error.
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