Community Hub allows users to view their current membership status and begin the join or renewal process directly from the Personal Snapshot. During join or renewal, users can select the membership type they desire and any additional options. Users can edit any memberships in their cart at any time and review the purchased membership details on the Order Summary.
Viewing Membership Status
Personal Snapshot Page
Individual Membership
If a user is not a member, the card displays, "you are not currently a member." If staff have created active membership options allowing individuals to join online without a preexisting cart or order, the card shows a join now button that enables Community Hub Users to proceed through your organization's membership join and renew process. If a user has joined as a member in the past the card displays a field set as a collection of read-only fields including whether their membership is current, the type of membership, the join and end dates for the membership. If staff have not created membership options that allow individuals to join as members, by default a Join button is still shown, but will take Community Hub users to a page advising them to reach out to staff - this message is customizable to suit you organization's needs.
Once users have joined as members, they see their membership information.
If the feature is enabled, users see a button which takes them to renew their membership on the Join or Renew page at any time.
If users have a cash bill with a membership renewal, they see a button which takes them to the Join or Renew page to review the renewal and add it to their cart.
If users have an outstanding invoice with a membership renewal, they see a button which takes them to review the invoice on the Outstanding Invoice page.
Company Membership
If your organization flows down company membership benefits from the company to the affiliated individuals, when their company doesn't have a membership, the card indicates that the user is not a member and–if staff has created individual membership options that allow users to join as members–shows a button to take them to the join process. If staff have not created membership options that allow individuals to join as members, no Join button is shown.
If a user is a manager of a company that has never joined as a member, the card indicates that the user is not a member and–if staff has created active membership options that allow companies to join as members–shows a button to take them to the join process. If a user has joined as a member in the past the card displays a field set as a collection of read-only fields including whether their membership is current, the type of membership, and the join and end dates for the membership.
If your organization flows down company membership benefits from the company to the affiliated individuals, when their company has a membership, users, see the company membership information.
If the feature is enabled, users who are company managers see a button which takes them to renew their membership on the Join or Renew page.
If a user is a company manager and their company has a cash bill with a membership renewal, they see a button which takes them to the Join or Renew page to review the renewal and add it to their cart.
If a user is a company manager and their company has an outstanding invoice with a membership renewal, they see a button which takes them to review the invoice on the Outstanding Invoice page.
If users have a personal membership and are also the manager of a company that has a membership, the card shows information for users' personal membership and not company's membership. That said, if they have a cash bill or invoice with a personal membership renewal and their company also has a cash bill or invoice for a membership renewal, the button takes users to review and pay for their company's membership renewal, not their personal renewal.
Also, if your organization does not flow down company membership benefits from the company to the affiliated individuals, if users who don't have a personal membership and are a company manager, the card indicates that the user is not a member, but users can click to review and pay their company's membership renewal cash bill.
Joining or Renewing as a Member
Join or Renew Page
By default, Users can select from individual membership types. If a user is a company manger, they additionally see all company membership option
Associations using cash billing might only want to show users the membership type for which they were billed and not allow users to change that. This can be done by updating the ChooseAMembership card to use the MembershipTypeLockRenewalDataSource Data Source.
If a user is going through the renewal process and they choose a new membership type as part of the checkout process, two cart items will appear in the cart: one item for the original membership renewal, and another for the different membership type that was selected. To disregard the original membership renewal, the user user must remove the cart item for it from the cart before checking out. This will allow the user to process the desired membership instead of completing the renewal of the original type.
Renewal: Re-instate & Renewal Cart Deletion Job
Renew button can be available, through Re-Instate field configuration, for members whose membership period has lapsed. The Re-instate feature provides the flexibility to add value and extend the Renew option after the end of the member's grace period and define the value in terms ofMonths, for yearly memberships, orDays, for monthly memberships.Edit the page layoutto add this field to the membership type record. After the defined Re-Instate expires, constituent will no longer have the Renew button and therefore he will be required to Join again.
Re-Instate field
Ensure that you complete the 2 fieldsRe-InstateUnit and Re-Instate Period in staff view. Do not save the Membership Type record by selecting the value against Re-InstateUnitfield and leaving the Re-Instate Period field blank. An error will occur in Community Hub if this is not properly configured.
In addition to the re-instate option, Renewal Cart Deletion Job can be scheduled, to periodically delete the existing renewal carts in the association’s environment, to avoid duplicate charges when a constituent rejoins after the membership period lapses and the re-instate period ends. Contact Support to request a Job.
Editing a Membership in the Cart
Checkout Page
Users can click the edit button on a membership to edit details for that membership. The user can select a new membership type, change their dues option, or change any additional options on the membership. If the user changes their membership type selection, all required and optional items are removed from their cart. When the user returns to the checkout page, any changes made to their membership are shown in the cart and the total cost of the membership is updated. Users can also click to remove a membership from the cart. When trying to submit the order, the user is notified if there is no dues product selected or if there are some required products not selected, and the order is not submitted.
Renewing Membership from an Invoice
Outstanding Invoice Page
This page is part of the classic checkout and invoice experience seen on orgs where Nimble AMS was installed prior to the Nimble AMS Summer '17 release. This page is replaced by the Memberships with Community Hub.
The Invoice page displays an outstanding order and users can pay the invoice. The page also displays all standard Nimble AMS products and can be customized to show custom products so users can pay off any invoice.
Viewing Invoices
Constituents can view different types of invoices based on their relationship to a company.
Individual Invoices—Constituents, whether affiliated to a company or not, can review and pay for a personal outstanding balance.
Company Invoices—Constituents who are primarily affiliated with a company, and are company managers, can review and pay for a personal or company outstanding balance.
Reviewing an Outstanding Order
Constituents can review all products within an outstanding order and see the prices for each.
Adding Donations with a Membership Renewal
If an outstanding order contains a membership renewal, and staff have configured the membership type with donation options, an additional card displays so constituents have the opportunity to make a donation. Constituents can pick to what fund(s) and what amount they wish to give.
Paying an Invoice
Once constituents have reviewed the order, they can pay using the payment methods set up in your org.
Updating Order Information with Bill Me
Alternatively, Trusted individuals can select Pay Later - Bill Me on the the Payment Options card to update the purchase order number, the description on the invoice, as well as any other information you are collecting and submit the updates to the invoice.
Reviewing the Order Total
Constituents can review the Total Details card for information on the total cost, the balance, shipping costs, fees that have been charged, or coupons that have been applied. If there is no cost, no totals display on the Total Details card.
Viewing a Purchased Membership on the Order Summary
Order Summary
The Order Summary page displays the selected membership and all related products.
Configure a New Card Type to Collapse Multiple Products Under a Single Line