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Buy Now on the new Member Portal

Buy Now on Member Portal empowers your association members to make purchase transactions with your organization in the quickest way possible. This new eCommerce experience is built on Salesforce’s Experience Cloud and comes with Lightning Web Components (LWCs) which can be added to a new lightning page or any of your existing ones. It's designed to create a workflow that will highlight your flagship merchandise product(s) and provide your members with a quick, single-click purchase option. They are able to purchase a product quickly by bypassing adding it to the shopping cart. This function can contribute to your association's membership value strategy by giving you a competitive advantage and maintaining member loyalty.

The association members will be able to see their special pricing when browsing the product details. During the checkout process, the appropriate tax is calculated if the merchandise product is taxable. Members can change their shipping address and pick a shipping method. Once the purchase transaction has been completed successfully, then the system creates inventory records on the back end, and the inventory-related numbers on the product are updated correctly so that the staff can respond when the inventory runs low.

Figure 1. Product Details page on Experience Cloud that shows the Buy Now button 


  • Quick and convenient shopping method: Buy Now on Member Portal enables association members to purchase merchandise products quickly and easily. 

  • Increased revenue potential: Members are more likely not to abandon their carts because the Buy Now feature allows them to bypass the 'Add to cart' option and go straight to checkout to make a purchase.

  • Flexible software design: LWCs contribute to a modern design and intuitive workflow through Salesforce's Experience Builder.

Get Started Today

Request to be enrolled in a pilot for our Product Team to review by visiting the Pilots page in NimbleLand. Select the Experience Cloud Member Portal option from the Features drop-down.

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