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Member Portal Checkout

Provide your members with a faster and better checkout experience through our new Member Portal Checkout feature that supports multiple product types. Built using Salesforce's best practices and the Experience Cloud platform, the new Checkout's intuitive design allows your association members to easily update their order's contact information as needed (such as their shipping address) and pick a shipping method, if applicable, as they are completing their purchase.

Their purchase experience has also been optimized by providing them with the ability to pay through modern payment methods such as Apple Pay/Google Pay. They also have the option of paying through the credit card information and saving the details for future purchases.

In addition to Merchandise and Donation product types, Member Portal Checkout now also supports purchasing Membership, Events, Subscriptions, Advertisement, Sponsorships, Exhibit, Miscellaneous, Programs, and any Custom product types. The order summary section provides tailored information for each product type with an easy-to-view collapsible/expandable panel for an Event product type.

A system administrator has the flexibility to configure and track any product type’s purchase history data thus empowering you to capture key data related to your members' purchases, helping you analyze purchasing trends and customer preferences through a point-and-click solution.

Member Portal Checkout provides a pathway for consolidating the various checkout workflows from Community Hub into a single checkout, streamlining your members' user journey.

Figure 1. The screenshot shows the Member Portal Checkout page.


  • Streamlined and unified checkout process: By eliminating disparate checkout processes, your members will benefit from having a single checkout experience for the supported product types.

  • Modern User Interface: A rich and modern user interface that is easy to use will minimize shopping cart abandonment and maximize revenue.

  • Easy to configure LWC: Easy-to-use, drag-and-drop Checkout LWC can be added to any lightning page within your Experience Builder site to create workflows targeted to specific audiences.

Get Started Today

Request to be enrolled in a pilot for our Product Team to review by visiting the Pilots page in NimbleLand. Select the Experience Cloud Member Portal option from the Feature drop-down.

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