Set Up a Recurring Order with a Saved Payment on an Order
Pre-requisite Steps
Before setting up a Recurring Order with a Saved Payment on an Order, make sure the feature is enabled and that the recurring products are correctly configured.
If you don’t see a section to turn on Recurring Orders with a Saved Payment on the Order Item Page Layout, you will need to edit the Page Layout and drag in the Recurring Item Visualforce Page. We recommend that the Visualforce page occupies 100% of the width and at least 350px of the height and the "Show Scrollbars" flag is checked.
Administrators will need to configure the height setting on the Page Layout in Staff View in order for the Recurring Modal to display correctly.
As a pre-requisite to using Recurring Orders with a Saved Payment the Account associated with the Order must have at least one Stored Payment Method on file in Nimble AMS.
In Staff View, Recurring Orders with a Saved Payment require an Order record to exist to be set up.
Enablement and Configuration
Setting up Recurring Orders with a Saved Payment for an Order
To create Recurring Order with a Saved Payment you first need to identify the Order that has the contents that you wish to recur by going to the Orders tab in Nimble AMS Staff View.
Please note that the Order must not have a balance before it’s recurring date for the Recurring Order with a Saved Payment to be processed.
From the Order, locate the Order Item that has the items that should be recurred.
For example, if you wish to recur a Membership, locate the Order Item with the Membership lines.
From the Order Item Line, locate the Recurrence Options section.
Turn on Recurring Orders with a Saved Payment on the Order Item
Check the Recurring checkbox
Select a Payment Method in which you wish the newly generated Order to be paid:
Stored Payment Method: If selected, the new Order will be paid in full at the time of processing using the customer’s Stored Payment.
Pay Later: If selected, the new Order will be submitted without payment to be billed later.
Installment Plan on the Original Order: This is only available when Scheduled payments were used in the original order. If selected, the Scheduled payments will be set up for the newly created Order using the same payment frequency as the original Order being recurred.
If Stored Payment Method was selected, select a Stored Payment Method that should be used to pay the Order in full.
Use the Any Further Recurring Schedules to be Based On option to select how the new Recurring Schedule’s date will behave:
Start Date: If selected, any subsequent Recurring Schedule generated after the first one will have a processing date based on the Start Date of the previous Schedule.
By default Start Date will be selected in the drop-down but can be changed by the staff user in Nimble AMS.
For example, if a failure occurs during processing of the Recurring Schedule, but at a later date the processing is complete, the next schedule’s date will still be based on the original date in which processing should have occurred initially
Transaction Date: If selected, any subsequent Recurring Schedule generated after the first one will have a processing date based on the Order’s transaction date.
Unlike Start Date, if this is selected and a failure occurs during processing of the Recurring Schedule, the next schedule’s date will be based on the date the Order was successfully submitted.
Hit the Recur Order Item button.
Once the Order Item has been marked to recur, a new Schedule record is created with the Recurring details, defining how the new Order will be processed. This Schedule record can be modified at any time before it’s Start Date to change the behavior of how the Recurring Order with a Saved Payment should be processed. The Schedule record looks as follows:
The Account record the Schedule relates to. Matches the Customer of the Order Item.
The Stage in which the item is on.
Ongoing: Scheduled for the future
Finished: Processed Successfully
Failed: A failure occurred during processing. If it is under the retry threshold it will be retried the following day.
The frequency in which the Schedule is processed.
Payment Method
The way in which the new Order to be generated will be paid during the processing of the Schedule.
Pay Later: The new Order will have a full balance and will be paid at a later date.
Stored Payment Method: the new Order will be paid in full at the time of processing using the customer’s Stored Payment.
Installment Plan on the Original Order: the Scheduled payments will be set up for the newly created Order using the same payment frequency as the original Order being recurred.
Number of Retries
If processing has failed for this Schedule, this contains the number of times the processing of this Recurring Order with a Saved Payment has been tried.
Status Detail
If processing has failed for this Schedule, this contains information regarding the failure.
Start Date
The date in which the Recurring Order with a Saved Payment will be processed.
External Payment Profile
If Stored Payment Method was selected as the Payment Method, this contains the Stored Payment Method that will be used to pay for the new Order in full.
Additional select option
As of spring '20 release of Nimble AMS, external payment profile will have an additional Selectoption in dropdown.
Order Item
The Order Item that was marked to recur.
The contents of this item will be used to process the new Order on the Schedule’s Start Date.
Only Products that are marked to recur will be added to the new Order when the Schedule is processed.
If the Schedule was processed successfully, this contains the newly generated Order.
This newly generated Order will contain an Order Item which in turn will be marked to recur with the same data as this Schedule, but with a new Start Date matching the next processing date in which the next Order in the sequence will be created.
View Recurring Information on Order
You can view the recurring information of a submitted order, by going to Order Item tab of the Order/Order Item record/Order Item Line. If you do not see Order Item tab, add it to the order page. See instructions by expanding the section below.
How to add Order Items tab to Order page...
To add the Order Items tab to Order page, follow the below steps:
After opening the order record, click on the gear icon on top right of the page.
From the drop down that appears, selectEdit Page.
On the page, click next to the Details tab.
On the right navigation panel, click onAdd Tab,click on the newly added Tab and selectCustomfrom the drop down.
Enter the Custom Tab Label asOrder Items and click Done.
ClickOrder Itemstab on the main page.
On the left navigation panel, search for Order Recurring Information custom component and drag and drop it on the tab.
Also, to see the Is Recurring checkbox on Order Item Line, edit page layout and add the checkbox to it.
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Canceling the Recurring Order with a Saved Payment
Recurring Order with a Saved Payment run until they are explicitly canceled. To cancel a Recurring Order with a Saved Payment go to the latest Order Item that is scheduled to recur and locate the Recurrence Options section in the page layout ( this is the same section where the Recurring Order with a Saved Payment was first scheduled), and click Cancel Schedule.
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